Thursday, November 10, 2005

Jost van Dyke, BVI updated information

Jost van Dyke is one of the must see islands to visit during a BVI sailing charter. The world famous beach bar Foxy's attracts thousands of sailors every year. The only downside is the poor anchorage at Great Harbor. The available anchor space now even got smaller since the authorities installed buoys to mark the access channel for ferries. A good alternative for safe anchoring is Little Harbor where you can find overnight moorings and even some great lobster restaurants that refund your mooring fee if you eat there. Take a short taxi ride to Great Harbor to visit Foxy's and you do not need to worry about your anchor at night. Good news: At the right side after the reef entrance at White Bay there are now also overnight moorings available, which make this beautiful but tricky and narrow anchorage now easier to visit. For a fun ride ashore try the new ATV rental at White Bay. You will always get the latest information from us for crewed yachts and bareboat charters at


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